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Marcel Münchow

UX Project Leading Team LeadingInteraction Design Design Research Design Intelligence Design Thinking

Interaktionswelten | Interactionworlds

Buchcover Interktionswelten. Erschienen im Transcript Verlag

Designing user interfaces takes place in an area of tension between conventions and innovations. The familiarity of conventional user interface concepts is in apparent contradiction to the sometimes radical novelty of innovative approaches. Building on discourses and considerations from different scientific disciplines (such as the sociology of technology, innovation research, or communication theory), Marcel Münchow develops a design-scientific theory framework for interpreting these bidirectional interactions between conventions and innovations in the context of human-machine interaction.

The publication "Interaktionswelten, Gestaltungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Innovationen und Konventionen in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion" is published in German by Transcript Verlag.